The new Super Teacher Organization Planner that I absolutely promised you was coming soon has now officially been posted!! The theme is Quatrefoil (I LOVE this design) and you can choose from these colors: turquoise, gray, or mix it up (these colors complement each other so well)!
I have been hard at work on this latest creation... designing... printing pages to make sure that the formatting is exactly what I want... editing... and printing some more. I am so excited to share this product with you. I can't wait to share more designs with you (coming soon) and I will be make all of the new formatting changes on last year's planner... so if you already purchased that binder, please check back soon!!! I will update you as soon as those changes are made.
Here are some pictures to share for now (until I can get all of the pages completely printed and organized in a binder).
I tried to share as much as I can... but trust me when I say that there is much more than what is included. Also, if you have checked out and printed my Lesson Planning Template Freebie and Guided Reading Planning Template Freebie, you may notice that these same pages were included in the binder to help keep you organized. However, I made the font match the font used in the planner and I also made sure that these were editable files (something my freebie does not include).
Right now, I have a special deal on the quatrefoil themed Super Teacher Organization Planner. My planners are normally $11.50 since it is a 1-time buy (while in my store), but as a new product in my store it is on sale now for $7.00 (that's 65% off the original price). However this is for a limited time only!! I do hope that you check it out and like what you see. I would love to hear what you think!