Okay ... it's official! I am officially in "oh my goodness there are so many projects to finish to prepare for Back to School 2014" mode! That means it's time to finish all of my latest back to school packets so I can have them printed and laminated and ready for the beginning of the school year. It also means, hurry and print and cut and laminate so I can make everything look good in my classroom!! My first official day with students isn't technically until September 4th, but I will be going in next week to start setting up.
The funny thing about being TpT obsessed is that I constantly feel the need to improve ... improve my products for buyers and improve my classroom by constantly creating and finding better things to add or use for the most current school year. Does anyone else have this problem?
I am excited to get my hands in there and try to make this my prettiest, nicest, most organized classroom yet! Combine a little OCD and a little perfectionistic tendencies and you have a girl on a mission!!
In case you are a tad bit curious, these are some of the items that I have been working on. Click on the pictures or headers to bring you to links.
{ The bright colored alphabet cards will be coming to my store soon in a handwriting packet I am putting together. Stay tuned!! :) }
Here is a new rules freebie that I posted! I absolutely ADORE it for the primary grades!! I haven't decided if I will use this in addition to my adapted Whole Brain Teaching rules or not. They are so different that I just might decide to use them both!
Here are some Schedule Cards, an editable freebie. There are so many more cards than this but this is all I could get in my picture!
Finally today I got my "Where We Are" Poster Set uploaded that I've been meaning to do for quite a few days! I spent a long weekend away with my boyfriend so I haven't had the time! I love this one because there are so many choices (polka dot, sunburst, and chevron - with 3 different font choices). It's SO cute!
I made that heart out of lime green and hot pink glitter polka dot ribbon!!!
Meanwhile ... I have been working on cutting all of this while ... **** Wait for it ... and drum roll please **** working beach and poolside!
Those are Fry's sight word wall word cards from my TpT shop.
Here are product covers to go along with the above pictures:
I promise that a new blog post with more classroom preparations will be coming soon!! I have so much more to prepare and share! :)

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