You get to see and experience the innocence of young children.. You get to do fun and cute activities with them .. You even get to use tons of adorable clipart (My favorite)!!! YOU are part of the reason that children are shaped into the young beings that they are.
Something that I have increasingly grown to believe is super important, is labeling different things that are in your room. By doing so, YOU are helping the children in your class become familiar with print and associating items with labels!!!
Enter these beautiful Neon Classroom labels!!
The best part of these classroom labels are that in one pack you get over 65 cards AND 6 choices of printing options. Choose between multi-color neon (as shown) OR any of only one of those color choices (pink, yellow, blue, green, orange).
Don't be alarmed by the fact that this packet is 94 pages long! Just choose a color scheme and only 15 pages of printing are needed. If you want to include this on a word wall, that can be done too! Just print a second set! If you need something special, let me know and I will try my best to add it in for you!

Okay - One thing is clear here - I enjoy neon brights and I enjoy labeling things! I already started prepping these for my post Labor Day back to school start!!
Obviously, I'm using the multi-color labels!

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